What to expect?
Your coaching package will include…
Have someone who believes in you. Have someone who does not believe in the negative stories you tell yourself, or the limitations and fears that hold you back. Have someone by your side as you take action towards your goals. Have me as your coach.

To give you peace of mind…
I know my service is not for everyone, which is why I only work with people who I know I can help. If after two sessions you are unsatisfied, you’ll be refunded for the remaining balance on your coaching package.
Challenge your negative self-talk and break the reoccurring patterns which are holding you back from creating your ideal work life.
Get clarity on what you want and create a structured plan by outlining your goals, milestones and the actions required to move forward.
Carry out actions in-between sessions which will get you into motion and help you achieve your goal.
Have me by your side holding you accountable to the actions set, checking in each session to ensure progress.
We will work through a number of models and tools to help you overcome your mindset obstacles and take the next step.
Choose face to face, online video, or telephone coaching sessions to fit into your lifestyle and schedule.
We will have check in points throughout the package to ensure we are on the right path, one that is most helpful to you.
"I hired Laura to coach me because I admired her gift of being assertive and the set of skills Laura has to offer to help me change my mindset. Laura showed me how to connect with my creative skill of delving into my current mindset that wasn't serving me in order to achieve my goal."
Despatch Warehouse Stock Order Picker
"Working with Laura has been life changing. I first came to Laura for help with feeling stuck, and to work through the things that have been holding me back. Over the course of my sessions I have been able to let go, move forwards and conquer fears I never dreamed I could."
Pilates Teacher
"Working with Laura was like a breath of fresh air. She helped me gain clarity in the area of personal and intimate relationships and encouraged me to find my own answers. I would wholeheartedly recommend her as a life coach as her way of probing and supporting me to reach my own conclusions was second to none."
Homecare Personal Assistant
"Laura De Schivanovits is an exceptional coach. I am very privileged to be coached by her. She is fun and engaging and very obviously a person centred. She will always check-in to see if what we’re doing is the best way forward for me; taking a helicopter view to make sure we don't get unnecessarily stuck in the detail."
Clarity Coach and Digital Marketeer