What Is Mindset Coaching, and Is It Right for Me?

PASSED - 11th July 2022
Location : UK

Mindset coaching focuses on someone’s thought patterns, behaviours, and self belief to identify what is helping the person move forward and what is preventing them from achieving their goals. These goals could be to do with their job, career, social life, or just about any aspect of their life. 

Mindset is crucial in every walk of life; our thoughts and our attitude go a long way to dictating the path we follow. If our mindset is right, we have the best chance of succeeding. If it isn’t then we could be getting in our own way and stopping our progress. Coaching, in generally, helps an individual to achieve a number of things:

  • Gaining clarity on where the individual is in their life and identifying where they want to be

  • Reviewing what they have tried so far and what has stopped them from progressing

  • Challenging their thinking, and helping them to see things from a different perspective

  • Creating a structured, dependable action plan for getting there

  • Taking action and following that plan, monitoring progress as you go

In addition to the above steps, a mindset coach works with the client to uncover limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, or any patterns of thought or behaviour that might be stopping the person from progressing with their goal. The mindset coach uses several models and tools to challenge the client’s current way of thinking and helps them adopt self-beliefs and thought patterns that will serve the client and help them move forward. This in turn helps increase confidence and motivation to move forward.

In a Little More Detail

Some elements of mindset, such as certain self-beliefs, can be ingrained in us from a young age and come from those who we have grown up around. For example, the belief that ‘it is not good to be the centre of attention’ may stop you from making yourself seen by anyone and as a result you may be living your life in the shadows. The impact of your beliefs is huge. Your beliefs will govern your actions or inactions. They can empower you and create massive change, or they can smother any hope you have of succeeding. Often, we internalise our beliefs so much that we actually forget that we learnt them at one point and that we actually chose to believe them. Working with a mindset coach can help uncover these beliefs, understand where they came from, and work on dismantling them and replacing them with more empowering beliefs that serve you.

Why Do People Invest in Mindset Coaching?

Commonly, people seek mindset coaches because they’re not happy with where they are in life. They might be looking for a change in their work or personal life, or be feeling unsatisfied with the path they are currently following. 

All too often, however, people’s intentions and aspirations are not reflected in their behaviours, as they procrastinate and talk themselves out of making meaningful, positive change. 

Often, people feel that they need to work with a mindset coach to understand what is holding them back and break down the barriers that are getting in their way. Alternatively, they may already know that their negative thinking, low self-esteem, and minimal motivation is getting in their way, but they don’t know how to change it. They may have tried a number of things, but either hit a roadblock, lost confidence, or no longer believe they can make a change. Perhaps they have read many self-development books, listened to podcasts or talks, but find that nothing is helping them move forward and stick

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